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South Korea Postal Codes

South Korea postal codes consist of six digits: three, a dash, followed by three digits. The first three digit of the South Korea Postal code is the regional codes. The next three digits of South Korea postal code specifies zone. The below just onlythe "List" containg first three digits are shown. Note the complete south korea postal code is 6 digits long.

Thefirst 3 digits that signifies region of South Korea Postal codes is shown below.

Regional South Korea Postal Codes Range (i.e. first 3 digits) Description of Region(s)
100 - 158 Seoul
200 - 269 Gangwon-do
300 - 395 Daejeon, Chungcheong
400 - 487 Incheon, Gyeonggi
500 - 597 Gwangju, Jeolla
600 - 697 Busan, Ulsan, Jeju-do, Gyeongsangnam-do
700 - 799 Daegu, Gyeongsangbuk-do

Look up South Korea Metro/ Province name, Shi/Gun/Gu, and Dong/Up/Myon by South Korea postal codes.

Enter South Korea Code: (ex. 100-011 for Seoul, Jung-gu, Chungmuro1-ga)

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